
This is the Overview of the testQuestions category testq1 - testa1

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list of questions:

question: 1 <<Link
Question: Answers
Which number is closest to PI? 3.41 4.31 3.14 4.13

question: 2 <<Link
Question: Answers
Which town is the greatest? Venice(Venedig/Italy) Barcelona(Spain) New Orleans(USA) London(UK)

question: 3 <<Link
Question: Answers
What Frequency is known as Schumann Resonance 6.57Hz 7.83Hz 8.73Hz 9.65 Hz

list of answers:

>>Link ) Answer: 1 from helmut-pdorf
Question: Answers


>>Link ) Answer: 2 from helmut-pdorf
Question: Answers


>>Link ) Answer: 3 from peter-za
Question: Answers


>>Link ) Answer: 4 from joshua-darby
Question: Answers


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