Posted by Helmut_pdorf on 19 Jul 2010 07:57, last edited by Peter-ZA on 13 May 2016 21:43
Tags: database dataforms showcase
I want to test out a new scenario with data forms to install a little db with 2 or more tables - using the path as second index and selection criteria.
Database on Wikidot?
Why not ?
I can remember there was some time ago a question of a very poor society in Africa without any little chance to get the necessary servers, database (and their admin), web-software, and web- & DB-applications to build a little land-administration ( real estate?) or other Public Admin. Even the electrical power was very poor installed. They asked here if such little self written "Application" would be possible here on Wikidot. They would ned only an internet connection and "nothing else".
I am working now on databases since 1968 ( my whole life :) ) and it seems to me easy to use for little structured data volumes.
What is a Database
A database is primarily a collection of data , readable ( if possible parallel) by users (visitors) und sometimes updateable.
That is ALL.
The structure of the data in different tables, with or without unique keys, including indexes (pointing) to other entities ( linking) and the usage of security filters is only the question how to implement a technical standard to use.
Lets have a try on a definition of a modern "database": it includes
- tables contains "row's" and have a "unique" layout over the live-time of a database.,
- row's - containing an entity and it's attributes ,
- Row-ID's - makes the entities in a database "unique",
- columns (fields) hold all the attributes of one entity,
- other Indexing on other columns (quick finding /sorting of the database records in another direction)
- pointers out to other tables (reduces duplicates & redundancy )
- security groups of users - who can read only - who can update a page / record?
Equivalents in
In "Wikidot" terms thinking I would say:
- a table is equivalent the term "category:" ( example: "db3country:", "db4town:" …)
- a row is typically the collection of data ( the columns) of one entity in ONE "" inside the "category"
- a column is defined by a usage of a "Form-field" = {$variable}" in an "[[form]] declaration - done in the 2. ysection of a "live" template of one catgeory
- a unique row-index as primary-key is easy to build automatically ( this is important!) by using the "autonumbering" feature (this setup is done in the site manager per category)
- a master-key ( not necessary unique!) is under normal circumstances the "title" of the specific page ( = row). This is not neccessarily the content of the first column or field".
- other indexes can easily build by tags - most important are here the tags "_deleted" or "_enddated" or "_dead" - meaning all the same - the content of the row ( =page) is not longer relevant for any ListPages reports.. ( the underscore prevents the "normal" tagcloud to show such "_tags"..)
- Links in a content field (or columns) are typically pointers outside to other tables (categories) - a typical example would be a link behind the capital name in "db3country:" to the "db4town:" containing the "real" data of the capital, preventing in such manner from duplicated and redundant text / data.
- Security issues:
- a pubic wiki is "readable" by all visitors - as long as it is not "private" - this is a big issue.
- if this is not a bug issue than the "members" are the group which can be made editors. There is no limit on "members"
- a "private" wiki can only hold 5 members now in the free version.
Examples on our Community wiki
There are now new versions of database-db3-country using the Autonumbering feature, _livetemplate and "form" technic:
- a live template using the include technic: db3country:_template
- the new listPages module and
- the "Autonumbering" feature…
- feature used in the "record" fields on the live templates
You can have a look on this 2 database and their Pagepath using database-db4-town ( and vice versa - the country in the towns are pagepath using…
Autonumbering of pages
This is neccessary if you want to split the Entity names ( page TITLE) from the primary key-numbering( Page Name) : you have to setup this feature in the Site manager in the menu "autonumbering of pages" :
Tip: you should name the used category for such autonumbering WITHOUT any special characters like "-"! Numbers are since last changes not disturbing.
(screenshot of Site Manager in the "Community")
These pages link back to this one. You may find them helpful.
Helmut_pdorf. Please visit his/her userPage on the community site.
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