Posted by Peter-ZA on 16 Dec 2012 06:59, last edited by
Peter-ZA on 16 Dec 2012 14:41
This is a simple, quick and easy way to install & use a Blog on your Wikidot website
Please follow the step by step instruction as laid out below.
Table of Contents
Description of the workings of this BLOG
The aim is to have a quick and easily installable and usable BLOG functionality for Wikidot websites.
All necessary pages are to be placed in the BLOG (or any other category, you like - please edit the category names accordingly then), for ease of managing. So it is basically 'self contained'.
An extra page to the BLOG (to easily be referenced to from anywhere on the website just by using Blog), was later added for ease of use. This page then shows the Blog Index, so it would be a good Idea to use that name as the file heading, the link name should however be kept as Blog.
After all components are installed, being the 4 pages given below (3 in the category BLOG, invisible to searches - file name starts with "_") :
- Blog:_template (The Template page)
- Blog:_Blog-Start (The Input Page)
- Blog:_Blog-List (The List Page)
and additionally the Blog Index:
- Blog Index (This current page for Community Playground — See Simulation below)
the BLOG should be fully functional.
Step-by-Step Instructions to Set up the BLOG
Creating the file Blog:__template on your Wiki website
- You can just copy (Right-Click & Copy) the above file name and paste it into the NEW PAGE function on your website. By clicking on the New File button this new page will be opened for creation.
- Then copy the code below and paste it into the page and save it.
Back to the **[[[Blog|Blog Index]]]** or **[[[Blog:_Blog-List|Blog List]]]**
[[module NewPage button="Add a New (Child) Page" parent="%%full_page_name%%" category="%%category%%"]]
Creating the file Blog:_Blog-Start on your Wiki website
- You can just copy (Right-Click & Copy) the above file name and paste it into the NEW PAGE function on your website. By clicking on the New File button this new page will be opened for creation.
- Edit the Heading from _blog Start to Blog
- Then copy the code below and paste it into the page and save it.
Back to the **[[[Blog|Blog Index]]]** or **[[[Blog:_Blog-List|Blog List]]]**
+ [[size 70%]]Add a Heading for your NEW BLOG ENTRY:[[/size]]
[[module NewPage size="40" button="+BLOG-Page" category="Blog" parent="Blog:_blog-start"]]
[[module NewPage button="Add a New (Child) Page" parent="%%full_page_name%%" category="%%category%%"]]
+ [[size 70%]]Here are the Entries so far:[[/size]]
[[module ListPages separate="no" limit="5" category="BLOG"]]
%%title_linked%% - %%created_at%% - [[user %%created_by%%]]
Back to the **[[[Blog|Blog Index]]]** or **[[[Blog:_Blog-List|Blog List]]]**
Creating the file Blog:_Blog-List on your Wiki website
- You can just copy (Right-Click & Copy) the above file name and paste it into the NEW PAGE function on your website. By clicking on the New File button this new page will be opened for creation.
- Edit the Heading from _blog List to Blog List
- Then copy the code below and paste it into the page and save it.
Back to the **[[[Blog|Blog Index]]]** or **[[[Blog:_Blog_Start|Blog]]]**
++ List of existing Blog Entries / Pages
[[module ListPages category="BLOG" order="name" perPage="200"]]
||%%index%% %%title_linked%% || Size: %%size%% || Revisions: %%revisions%% || Created at: %%created_at%% || Created by: %%created_by%% || Updated at: %%updated_at%% || Updated by: %%updated_by%% || Page rating: %%rating%% ||
Back to the **[[[Blog|Blog Index]]]** or **[[[Blog:_Blog_Start|Blog]]]**
Creating the file Blog (Block Index) on your Wiki website
- You can just copy (Right-Click & Copy) the above file name and paste it into the NEW PAGE function on your website. By clicking on the New File button this new page will be opened for creation.
- Edit the Heading from Blog to Blog Index or Blog Menu, as you like.
- Then copy the code below and paste it into the page and save it.
[[[blog:_blog-start|Blog Start]]]
[[[Blog:_Blog-List|Blog List]]]
- Please note: the Blog page above has not been implemented on THIS Community Playground site, as it would conflict with the name of THIS page. — Please see the Simulation below.
"Blog Index" page simulated in the box below:
Number of Comments: 5)
Are you planning to move this and the other things you've been working on to the how-tos on the community site, or is it just for your own sites?
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Why is the TITLE missing on the Community Playground page ?
Yes, I can move it . . .
… looks like I am the only one still using the 'playground', anyway, Rob. ;-)
I have also been doing some updates to basic entry-level instructions for new members, who have never worked with a wiki, before.
It is still not quite complete, but I think it will never be that, as it is always in progress …
Kind regards
I understand Rob's Question - there are Bog related Howto's
And Yes, it seems that we are the onlöy one ( at the moment) who work on the playground to find such common solutions
Open for me is
But the question, why on this "Forum" layout the nav-side bar is wuith withe fonts and the Tile is unvisible - this is strange.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Thanks! Rob, I can seee you work on the admin:css page..
it looks better now!
I had a look on your changes and I do not understand what has really changed with the litttle background color changes:
( And the buttons have changed too.. I can see.. they are now better)
Have you changed something on the site admin too?
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Something somewhere on the site was forcing the positioning of the header in the the forum category to the left and making the header a bigger height. As I don't have time just now to find what is causing this and correct it I just changed the theme for that category in admin:css to use the default. Overall I think this theme would benefit from a change as it has been on the site for 2 years. As I want to improve the cvommunity site theme as well I will probably work on those over the winter.
Peter, I don't use the playground site (I test on one of my own sites) but it is extemely useful. However it is is not a replacement for the community site how-tos. So if you think that some of your work would fit well on the how-tos do let us know.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.